The PRA Polyurea Roofing Association is an association of Manufacturers, Approved and Trained Roofing contractors and Founder Members who all have expertise in the Waterproofing of Flat and Low Pitch Roofs in the UK and Europe
Waterproofing almost 365 days per Year
Every Polyurea Contractor has to be fully trained and Registered at our European Training
School in Eindhoven Holland.
If you want to learn how to apply polyurea, we will leave you enchanted by Jos de Graauw, a professional applicator with more than twenty years of experience applying polyureas.
Learn all the secrets of a good polyurea membrane, pure or hybrid, the basic handling and maintenance of a hot projection machine, and spraying technique.
Course: Theory and practice
Duration: 2 days
Periodicity: monthly. (Check dates here)
Location: Krypton Chemical Tech Centre, Zeeland, The Netherlands (transportation and accommodation are the responsibility of the client).
Language: English, Dutch, German (possibility of a translator for Spanish).
Price: € 700 + VAT (includes lunch, course material and attendance certificate)
The amounts will be paid before starting the course